Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Marriage is Sacred

I was recently referred to a sermon series by Ravi Zacharias regarding marriage, entitled, "I, Isaac, take you Rebekah", which is geared towards young people, but has important aspects for adults and already married couples. The sermon is based on Scripture in Genesis 24. You can listen to the series here. I find it interesting the timing of me listening to this program, especially in light of all the drama of Jon & Kate. I find this message to be a reminder of how God created marriage and how we are to maintain the sacredness and holiness of that relationship.

In this day and age, with all the media hype and secularism of society, it is hard to not get pulled into all the drama. As Christians, we must be careful of what we see and hear and maintain purity! We must rely on the Holy Spirit and the Word constantly, to maintain the Biblical foundation God has set for our marriages. We must get back into the Word to be reminded of the purpose God has created marriage for.

From the beginning of time, God created man and woman to be partners. Man was alone and God saw that it was not good for him to be alone. So, He created woman to be a lifelong companion to man. Genesis 2:8-25.

Marriage is not easy. Two people with unique perspectives are required to mesh together. It requires a constant effort towards teamwork and unity as well as kindness to one another, regardless of circumstances (which is hard!). Having been married 7 years, myself, we still have to work together on a daily basis.

The only way we can remain committed to one another is by first having a committed relationship to God. We must maintain our individual quiet times of prayer and reading His Word. Through this relationship, the Holy Spirit can guide us and work in our hearts and minds. This foundation must be the basis for marriage or, as the house that was built on sand, it will collapse.

If you are young and looking for a partner, I encourage you to look for kindness in that person. This is a portrayal of the future. I encourage you to be in prayer for the one God has for you. Pray that the person has a strong Biblical foundation and commitment to God. This is important for the basis of your marriage. I also encourage you to remain pure. It is very hard these days, but you must think on things that are righteous and pure. Philippians 4:8. Eliminate the things that may cause you to stumble. Pray that the Holy Spirit will convict you of things that should not be in your life. Your body is a temple for God and he cannot inhabit that temple if there is sin there. Lastly, never put yourself in a position where you can fall. Put yourself around others so that you can remain holy and pure.

If you are married, I encourage you to be in the Word constantly for direction and strength. Without that relationship with God, you cannot make it on your own to fulfill His desire for marriage or your life.

Remember the holiness of marriage and do not take it lightly. It is a bond that is supposed to last a lifetime.

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