Monday, May 24, 2010

Savings Saturday....Err..Monday

We had a pretty occupied weekend, so I never got the chance to sit down and post my savings. I really didn't do much shopping last week. I did the Target shops and then I went to Publix. I didn't do anything else, as there was really no interest/need to go to any of the drugstores.

I spent more at Publix than I typically do. I bought some organic products and a bit of fresh produce, as well as some things that I didn't have coupons for and were a little more. The shop was also for 10 days of meals, plus some extra stuff for DH when I go on a trip without him! He needs some easy stuff to cook, so I started getting some things for him. Overall, if you divide the total, I really spent within my budget, so I'm happy!

Spent $117.39
Saved $35.10 - 23% (lowest in a while!)

1 comment:

  1. I think youd like the prices of things over here. You can buy some things for like under a dollar still! haha
